Pick of the Pack Submission Form
Submissions are now CLOSED! Sign ups for the next batch of PoP will be sent out via email and posted on FB in March.
The Pick of the Pack is a vehicle to help promote new releases on a quarterly basis. Nominate one book you want to have added to the landing page. Please read all of the info at the top of the form. These books will be on the landing page from April thru June.
— We promote the list to the WP platform. POTP selections get a dedicated newsletter.
— The backlinks from our site improve your ranking in different retailer algos.
— We run giveaways of some or all of the books (depending on how many books we have and how many authors give us what we need).
— It gives you something to tell your readers ‘I'm pleased to share my book is a Pick of the Pack selection' etc and direct traffic as a group to the landing page to help sell books.
— We are building up our Instagram audience and have been providing flatlay stock photos for authors to use so we can run book giveaways on our Instagram. Our engagement has grown doing this so we're continuing to run these for the foreseeable future.
— For Wolf Pack Coop members only!
— 1 book per author, per session
— NO REPEATS (check for previous submissions here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17PqNyNYf8vx-yG6BULtPfWKT355gtHGfBVBdy_pIPUo/edit?usp=sharing)
— You may add your cover below (via Featured Image), or I can add one for you (pulled from a retailer). Please do not add marketing images. IF ADDING THE COVER, RE-SIZE TO 231 PX WIDE!
— NO Books2Read, readerlinks.com OR shortened links please!
— A book will NOT be listed if all requested info is not provided
We limit the number of books for sanity's sake. Priority will be given to authors who weren't in the previous POTP.
Pick of the Pack landing page:
To rise the tide, we'd like you share the landing page link when you announce that your book is a ‘Pick of the Pack' selection.
FYI, we often run paid traffic ads to these and/or do book giveaways, so this is some extra promo for you.
New books will be listed about 4 times a year.
Books will be rotated automatically every time the landing page is viewed.
After each session, Pick of the Pack books will be archived, available at the bottom of the landing page.
You'll receive an email when the book has been posted to the website.